Violet finished up the last bit of review from 1B that I wanted to cover. She started working on Singapore 2A on Thursday. The first section on numbers to 1000 is very straight forward so it's a good confidence booster for her. On the right is her first lesson in the new books.

On the left is Jessie's summary of Cincinnatus for CW Aesop. This week we changed up our outlining a bit. For each paragraph we wrote a Roman numeral with the paragraph's topic. Then we numbered the sentences and wrote our key words as usual. This flowed nicely with R&S grammar which is talking about paragraphs. Basically, I just wanted to reinforce the idea that each paragraph has a specific topic so that when she starts typing the summaries herself in the fall, she'll have a better idea of where she needs to start a new paragraph (instead of writing everything in one huge paragraph like I did growing up).
For science we didn't quite finish up lesson 1 of Zoology 1. I had planned to do the flight experiment on Thursday while DH was home to watch Benny. Since it snowed, we postponed the experiment in favor of playing in the snow. We'll either do it Saturday if the weather is nice or pick the warmest afternoon next week instead. Below are the two booklets that I designed for lesson 1. The larger booklet covers basic zoology, classification, and a few other random vocabulary words at the bottom with fill in the blank and matching. The idea for the winged booklet about flight came from one I saw on the internet. It covers the vocabulary related to flight with little riddles that the girls had to solve.
No art this week. For music the kids started listening to Mr. Bach Comes to Call after I fixed the tape player. I don't think they finished so we'll take it along and finish this afternoon when we run our errands. Daily piano lessons with Mom supervising our working out very well. Jessie's hand position is much improved. It's also given us a chance to work on the frustration caused by her perfectionism. She's beginning to accept the fact that mistakes are part of learning (after the ??th time I repeated this). Violet is also slowly progressing. I believe the Bastien book is a little hard for a 6 year old, but we're just taking it very slowly.
Benny's preschool is going great. For the alphabet game, this week we did a new variation on matching. Benny has the Fisher Price alphabet zoo. I pulled out the animals with the letters that we have learned so far. I wrote the lower case letters on Benny's drawing boards, and then he covered them with the animal with the matching capital letter. We added the letters I and i one day. Then added the letters O and o another day because Violet had taught him those letters already. He also set a new record by singing the alphabet song with me TWICE this week. For numbers, we did another dot to dot up to 7. His number recognition is great. His counting, however, needs a bit of a refresher. Thursday and Friday, we pulled out the girl's abacus for counting practice. We moved one bead for the top row, two for the second, and so on up to ten at the bottom. He can recognize groups up to 3 and then needs to take time to count (which he finds a bit annoying I believe) for groups of four or more.
I love the alphabet game that you did. I am going to have to go and check out those Fisher Price animals. That would be a great way to get my little one into learning his letters. He love animals.
I have a hard time remembering conversions too -- but it has been easier since I got a 4 cup measuring cup! :) Love the animal alphabet -- hands on learning!
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