Violet has had an excellent week in math. I think that she's finally getting comfortable with working the larger problems in her head. Most days she done two or three times as many assignments as I had planned. Yesterday she worked through all of the addition problems in the Intensive Practice section of numbers within 100 in half an hour with only 3 mistakes. On the plus side, the review has given her a boost of confidence that she can do well at math. I think the attitude change alone has probably helped her tremendously.
Geography / History / Science
For history we finished reading about the woodland indians. I turned over part of the reading to the girls to save some time. This allowed us to also cover Marquette and Joliet exploring the Mississippi River.
Our first week of science went well. The booklets I made definitely seem to be working for the girls as a means of reinforcing the material. Violet did have a notebook both days and took "notes" while I was reading. I think she just wrote down whatever struck her as interesting. It certainly wasn't the same information that I had marked down as important. I think next week I'll try letting them look at the booklet first so that they have an idea of what to listen for and see how that goes. I think Benny learned as much as the girls did while listening. He was looking on as I helped Violet fill in her booklet Thursday and managed to come up with the correct answer twice before she did. I'll post pictures of the booklets next week when we finish lesson 1.
No official art lessons this week. Violet and Jessie want to try out the origami kits they received from my MIL. Hopefully we can sit down and work on some of those this evening. As far as music, we got our piano lessons started again with both girls.
Preschool has gone really well this week. We added in some new games for learning out numbers and letters. On Monday, I gave Benny a dot to dot puzzle with the numbers 1 through 6. I talked him through where to draw each line after he located the numbers we needed. For the alphabet we created two versions of what I'll call hide and seek alphabet. I wrote all of the letters that Benny had learned so far on his drawing board. On the first day, I called out a letters and Benny covered it with one of our Sequence Junior chips. The next day we started with all of the letters covered. Benny could remove the chips in any order identifying what was hiding under each chip as we went along. He also took it upon himself to try writing some letters this week. He wrote the big A and the big B. One day he even decided to surprise me by joining in to sing for the whole alphabet song with me.
We did the same poem this week! Looks like you are getting back into the grove nicely.
I just love you geogrpahy books! I learned the 50 Niftey song when I was in grammar school. :o) Um, that song must be really old then. LOL :o)
Your back to school week looks GREAT!
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