GREAT BOOKS: She finished up her essay on Homer's Odyssey and completed a context page for Sophocles Theban trilogy of Greek tragedies. Then she had a couple of days break while we are waiting to receive the Vandiver lectures on Greek drama.
ENGLISH: She continues to work slowly through the CW section on the analytical essay, is reading MacDonald's Phantastes for literature, and completed another review test and quiz in vocabulary.
LATIN: She completed lesson 25 and the chapter quiz and began working on chapter 26 in Latin Alive 2.
SPANISH: In chapters 17 and 18 of BJU Spanish 1, she studied vocabulary related to airports and sports; object pronouns; and the verbs gustar, jugar, tocar, and saber.
HISTORY: Her Foundations of Western Civilization lectures covered Greek philosophers and the rise of Alexander. Her Western Civilization pages covered the same topics as well as daily life in ancient Greece, while her History of the Ancient World chapters also covered China in the 3rd century BC.
SCIENCE: She finished and tested for chapter 7 and did a quick read of chapter 8 with no notes or test.
MUSIC APPRECIATION: She listed to a lecture on the Baroque concerto as well as 3 Handel CDs and one Vivaldi.
Violet's 7th Grade
MATH: Violet completed the tests for chapters for chapters 4 and 5 in NEM and began working on the 6th chapter.
ENGLISH: Her grammar covered indefinite, relative, and interrogative pronouns; writing a report from an outline and an oral report; a chapter test on pronouns; and some adjective review at the beginning of the next unit.She's making steady progress in the second Caesar's English book covering through chapter 4 and also completed the 4th unit in CW. For literature, she tried and disliked Bulfinch's The Age of the Fable, so we downloaded Guerber's Myths of Greece and Rome onto her Kindle the first weekend to began reading during the second week. She is much happier with the Guerber selection.
LANGUAGES: She completed chapter 15 in Latin Alive 1 as well as most of chapter 16. Her Greek chapters for the weeks were 18 and 19 of EG 2.
HISTORY: In history, she covered the battles between Athens and Sparta as well as the golden age of Athens using The Story of the Greeks.
SCIENCE: She finished up plants and the first BJU Life Science text and began learning about invertebrates in chapters 15 and 16.
ART: She completed the hawk and flower painting shown in the creative corner posts during this time period.