Violet has again managed to complete more lessons that I actually had planned for the week. She finished the last IP assignment for the

In grammar, Jessie started a new unit on adjectives. Monday's lesson covered the definition of adjectives and how to diagram them. Unfortunately, Jessie seems to have forgotten everything she learned about diagramming again. We had to go back and review how to find the subject, predicate, and direct object. I think we'll try a combination of more grammar memory work (I've been slacking on adding new cards to her box) and maybe putting 1 or 2 sentences on a dry erase board each day for her to diagram. It's not that I think the diagramming itself is important, but I am concerned that she isn't correctly identifying the parts of a sentence that we have learned so far. On the bright side, Jessie's doing great with her dictation. Thursday, she even picked out her own assignment. She wanted to write the poem engraved by the bell Digory rings to wake up the witch. We've also increased the length of the assignments to at or near a full page without any complaints that her hand is cramping. Yeah!!! Her CW assignment on Julius Caesar is on the left. Our new outlining change from the last assignment is also working great. Violet's spelling and copywork are going fine.
This week in history we learned about King Philip's War
In science, we finished up lesson 2 and assembled our booklet for the unit. The girls' favorite part was making the paper strips for the different sizes of birds on Tuesday. We also made simpler feeders from pine cones, peanut butter, and bird seed rather than the ones in the zoology book because I wanted the girls to do all of the work themselves.
Benny's had a great week. Saturday, my mom bought him My Book of Easy Mazes by Kumon at my suggestion. He likes to try to draw letters, but gets frustrated when they don't turn out how he wants. I thought the maze book would give him some more practice at controlling a marker. He was so excited that he insisted we take the book to church on Sunday for him to work on during the sermon. I thought he would do 5 or 6 mazes and then snuggle up with me. Boy was I wrong. He started at maze one and went through the entire book of 80 mazes in less time than it took the pastor to finish his sermon. He's already asking for more maze books. As far as the alphabet we added Jj this week. For numbers we mostly counted on fingers (which Benny finds funny for some reason). He also started working on his new Kumon book, More Let's Cut.
My 5yo DS is all over that Kumin cutting book. I might have to go to Barnes and Noble this weekend. Course the robot was a hit!
I loved hearing about your week.
Oh I love your projects:) My dd learned the Fifty Nifty United States song for homeschool choir - its such a great song for learning the states!
Looks like you had a fantastic week! Oh, to have a week with no interruptions here :)
My oldest sounds like Benny, give him a maze book and he'll whiz right through it!
I love the poem, Mr. Nobody. That poem is said quite often round here. :o)
All your projects look WONDERFUL! Can we head on over to your place? :o)
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