It was a good but not a stellar week. Math took forever for both girls, and the distractions from noisy brothers and adorable kittens made focusing harder. We still have some work to do over the weekend, but hopefully by the end of next week we'll be caught up again.
MATH - Jessie completed the review exercises and her first chapter test in geometry with a score. She also began the second chapter and covered points, lines, and planes.
MUSIC - She wrote a summary about music in the ancient world from her lecture notes and took notes on the second lecture covering music in the Middle Ages.
GREAT BOOKS - We discussed "The Epic of Gilgamesh" on Monday, but she has not yet completed the writing assignment nor started listening to the background information on The Iliad. She be working on that over the weekend as well.
SPANISH - Jessie completed the first lesson of chapter two this week covering church related vocabulary, definite and indefinite articles, and asking and responding to questions. She scored a 100 on her quiz Friday.
SCIENCE - Science is still in progress, but she'll be completing the 2nd chapter, the lab, and test over the weekend.
MATH - Violet spent the week working on the review exercises at the end of chapter 1 of Lial's covering operations with integers. She's also gotten much better at showing and work which has translated into fewer mistakes than last week. She'll complete the chapter test Monday and move on to a chapter from NEM.
LOGIC - In Building Thinking Skills 3 Figural most of her exercises had a similar idea to the one in the picture. We did complete two weeks in Art of Argument catching back up to speed. Most of the information was still set up to the first lessons, and she'll start learning actual fallacies next week.
SCIENCE - She covered all of the information in chapter 3 of life science including defining a living organism, covering some cell basics, and learning the four groups of essential molecules for life. The real focus for the week was actually learning how to take notes from a science textbook. We started working on part A together looking for the main idea of each section and the important details given related to the main idea including defining key terms and listing examples where needed. Then we used the objectives and section questions to check her notes to see if anything was left out. She did parts B & C on her own and the results were much better. We still need to do the lab and will hopefully get it done over the weekend. Otherwise, we'll double up next week.
FINE ARTS - In music, she did an overview of the string section in Those Amazing Musical Instruments. Her art is down in Thursday's post as usual.