Sunday, March 25, 2012

The History of the Kings of Britain - Book 9 of 52 in 52

The History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth traces the timeline of Britain from the founding of Brutus to the final fall of Britain to the Saxons.  Some call it history and others myth or legend, but there is no doubt that the tales have had a profound impact on the inhabitants of that island.  It is filled with legendary figures such as Brutus, King Leir, Merlin, Vortigern, Aurelius Ambrosius, King Arthur, Gawain, Guinevere, and Mordred.  There are tales of mighty warrior kings who subdue the lands around them, evil kings that are consumed by their own vice, battles with giants, prophecy and magic, honesty, treachery, and countless brave men who gave their lives in service to their king and country.  It definitely belongs among the great books.

I was actually pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this book.  Like any historical piece some portions were more interesting than others, but overall I would recommend this to anyone 13 and up as a must read book.

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