Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Boggart - Book 10 of 52 in 52

The Boggart by Susan Cooper, who is also the author of The Dark Is Rising sequence, tells the tale of an ancient mischievous spirit called a boggart, who has lived for years in a Scottish castle-keep on an island with generations of the MacDevon family.  When awake, he spends his hours plotting mischief to amuse both himself and those in the castle until the last inhabitant of the keep dies.  The last MacDevon had one sister whose only living descendant turns out to be a Canadian by the name of Robert Volnik.  He along with his wife Maggie and children Emily and Jessup travel to Scotland and stay briefly at the castle in order to arrange for its sale.  Each of the children is allowed to pick one item to take back home along with a total of 6 books from the library.  Emily chooses a roll up desk where unfortunately the tired boggart had curled up for a nap.  It is long before the Old Magic of the boggart finds himself suddenly thrust into the modern world opening up all kinds of magical, mischievous possibilities. 

This is an excellent read for ages 8 and up.  I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  It is delightfully humorous and thoroughly engrossing.


herdingcats said...

Sounds like a good book! I will check it out from the library! thanks for sharing!

Ally said...

I have an 8 year old somewhere inside me, sounds good!

I read the 'Dark is Rising' books when I was a teenager and remember them fondly.

kayerj said...

I really enjoyed this little book. I read it last year. I am a great fan of The Dark is Rising series.

Faith said...

Love this book too. To me it is sort of an unsung classic! I"m surprised more people don't know about it.