Saturday, February 20, 2010

All New Square Foot Gardening - Week 7 of 52 in 52

All New Square Foot Gardening: Grow More in Less Space! by Mel Bartholomew

After spending more weeks than I can ever remember looking out my window and seeing the ground covered in snow, I decided it was time to start looking forward to spring. DH and I discuss each year wanting to make some changes to the garden, but we have yet to actually make any changes. I figured I'd do what I always do when I'm in need of some information and ideas, read a new book.

I actually love this book. I love the idea of building a 6 inch tall box above ground and not worrying about the existing soil. (I might actually be able to start a flower garden or a garden for the kids this way or maybe even grow some corn.) I love the efficiency with which he uses his space (especially in the vertical gardening section. Who knew you could grow cantaloupe in the air? Maybe we could actually eat them this time instead of the rabbits.) He gives clear directions anything he recommends building, and I appreciate that he considered both cost and durability in his recommendations. There is information on composting, how to plant, when to plant, how and when to harvest. The one place where he and I differ in opinion is his emphasis on growing only what you will eat a it is harvested whereas I expect to torture myself with the hassle of summer canning in order to reap the savings and benefits for the rest of the year. The next step will be pricing out the cost of the soil to see what we can afford to do with our budget this year. Then the hardest part is going to be convincing DH to give it a try. He's well established in his single row system with the rototiller. I would call this one a must read for someone interested in gardening or for someone that has given up on the traditional garden because it was too much work.

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