- Jessie continued to work on more factoring in algebra this week and then combined her factoring and problem solving skills to begin determining the possible values for the variables.
- In grammar, she finished with relative and interrogative pronouns, practiced some sentence variety, and completed the chapter review on pronouns. She did well on her lesson 20 vocabulary test.
- In literature, she is finishing up a book report on Children of the New Forest by Marryat. She read the final chapters of Oliver Twist by Dickens on Friday. She did not complete her CW this week. Normally I would have her catch up on the weekend; but since she's working on a modern essay, I wanted her to take her time and focus on each of the parts instead of cramming them into the weekend.
- In Latin, she completed chapter 14 covering pluperfect and future perfect passive indicative and perfect infinitives. She had the week off from Greek to do review, which we didn't quite get done. In logic, she's working on the 8th chapter of Traditional Logic 1 and creating flow charts in Building Thinking Skills 3: Verbal.
- Violet continued working with the area and perimeter of figures that contain circle, semicircles, or quarter circles in 6B. In CWP, she is solving problems related to speed.
- Her grammar this week was entirely review and covered capitalization, punctuation, and quotations. She passed her lesson 23 spelling test and worked with a combination of couples and quatrains again in CW. She finished her second week of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Twain for literature.
She learned how to conjugate 4th declension neuter nouns in Latin and review second declension nouns, present tense verbs, and the irregular verb to be in Greek.
Benny's 3rd Grade
- Benny began his 3B books this week with several lessons on mental math covering all four of the basic operations. In Miquon, he began working on the fraction section.
- We began learning about adjectives in grammar, the questions they answer, and how to diagram them. He worked on spelling words with silent consonants, completed his regular copywork and dictation, and analyzed the story of Cornelia's jewels for CW. He continued to read Pinocchio independently, and we finished Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang as a read-aloud.
This week the girls outlined a section from The Great Republic covering the last rulers of Hawaii, took notes on the events under President Grant through President McKinley, and wrote summaries about the Statue of Liberty. Jessie read The Statue of Liberty by Fisher, and Violet Liberty by Curlee. Violet also read The Story of the San Francisco Earthquake by Stein, but I inadvertently returned it before Jessie was able to read it.
Benny and I read Last Princess by Stanley. Covered the idea of immigrants by reading two fictional books: Peppe the Lamplighter by Bartone and Streets of Gold by Wells. We also enjoyed The Snow Walker by Wetterer about a boy during the 1888 Great Blizzard in New York City. Finally, he did a summary of The Story of the Statue of Liberty by Maestro.
Not much science got done this week. Violet and Benny covered elements and William Prout. The rest of the week, I sent Benny outside to wear off some energy.
Art is in the previous post.
Henry and I enjoyed another relaxed week with him choosing whatever books he wished from our shelves to read. We worked on the same letters as last week, covered number recognition with the calendar, sang our months of the year song, and did lots of counting. He can currently get all the way up to 49.
I'm really not sure why he found playing with our Minotaur game board so fun, but he thought it was hilarious when he had completely blocked all open passages to the temple in the center.
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