Jessie continued working through her end of the year review exercises, and finished the last page of her textbook this week.Violet completed the IP unit on solid figures and will be moving on to the final unit on volume Monday.
Benny began working on his final math unit on money this week in Singapore 1B and continues to close in on the end of his Miquon book as well.
Jessie finished up her vocabulary and grammar this week, so she is now officially done with her language arts for the year.Violet continued to do copywork and dictation as well as read and narrate from Swiss Family Robinson
I gave Benny the option to pick whatever book he wanted to read aloud to me. Monday he chose Curious George Goes Fishing. Tuesday, he pulled out The Caboose Mystery
by Warner. We're working on one chapter a day. I read the left hand page and he reads the right hand page. He's doing great!! He's still working through his ETC book, but completed his SWO for the year this week.
Jessie finished up both LfC C and EG1 this week!!
Jessie began unit 4 of Properties of Matter
this week covering the topics of elements, compounds, water, mixtures, and air.
Here she's using a jigsaw puzzle to practice classifying. She thought it was a great excuse to build one of her favorite puzzles.Another of her activities was to strain the pulp out of orange juice.
We also completed unit 3 on clouds in God's Design Our Weather & Water
We illustrated evaporation and condensation
and measured drops of water by dropping them in flour and then drying them in the oven.HENRY'S CORNER
No pictures this week for Henry's corner unless you want to check out the fishing in the previous post. Other than not doing much afternoon napping, he's had a pretty typical week.