Monday, August 10, 2009

Our first day of school...

The girls were both excited to start back to school this morning. Violet was ready for breakfast by 7:00 and asking what she needed to do first by 7:35. Jessie told me she had laid out her clothes up in her bed last night so she could get ready more quickly. Both were excited to see their new boxes with all of their books.

Benny loved his first day of Kindergarten. We did phonics and handwriting first and later did math and critical thinking. About 45 minutes later he wandered back into the kitchen and announced that he was ready to do more school. He would gladly have done some more handwriting with me, but I had garden tomatoes to get peeled and chopped.

Our schedule is off to a rough start. Part of the problem was that Henry was simply grumpy this morning (which is actually quite unusual for him). I think Benny was expecting to spend time with his sisters right after his first time with me like last year. He did quite a bit of wandering in and out this morning. The girls took way longer than I had scheduled for all of their subjects, mainly due to a lack of focus. (As part of their lack of focus, however, they did a great job encouraging Benny while he was working at the table with me and were just as curious as he was to see what was in his box.)

In any event, everything on the check sheets is done, and the kids enjoyed their first day at school. The rest will come with time.

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