Thursday, July 31, 2008

Year at a Glance: Jessie's 4th grade

With only 4 days to go, I'm feeling a little stressed about trying to start school, clean the house, fix meals, and take care of baby Henry all at the same time. Part of the reason I'm so scattered is simply the difficulty in getting him to sleep for a decent nap in the afternoon. Luckily for today, DH is off so hopefully I can squeeze in an hour of work and organize my thoughts for next week. I am excited at the prospect of putting some structure back into our days. I just have to keep reminding myself to be flexible and take things one at a time. Here is an overview of Jessie's 4th grade year to the extent that it is currently planned out. I still have a long way to go planning history and science. I've decided to wait until mid-year to determine whether or not we will try to squeeze in a few weeks of CW Poetry for Beginners or hold off another year on that.

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